+62 813-1173-5657 / +62 813-1173-5658

Take A Tour We warmly welcome you to Maitreyawira School Jakarta, the warmest school in the state. Maitreyawira School Jakarta

Kindergarten (Pre-School)

Elementary (Primary)

Junior High School (Secondary)

Senior High School (Tertiary)

Ing Ngarsa Sung Tulada

Di depan, seorang pendidik harus memberi teladan yang baik

Ing Madya Mangun Karsa

Di antara murid, seorang pendidik harus menciptakan prakarsa dan ide

Tut Wuri Handayani

Dari belakang, seorang pendidik harus memberikan dorongan dan arahan

Maitreyawira School Jakarta

About Our School

Maitreyawira School Jakarta is a place for every human being to learn and love all creatures. We need to understand that our young generation who has this innocent heart must live in life’s harsh demands. They are expected to continuously pursue academic achievement and live in a competitive culture to demonstrate personal excellence. So that most of their lives are passed by feeling unhappy and unhealthy physically and spiritually. Therefore, we offer moral and character-building education, a culture of mutual respect, and mutual success for each other. We want to provide increased academic intelligence and teaching that can meet individuals’ mental and spiritual needs. Thus, it is hoped that children can learn, grow, and build a happy future.

Visit School

Parents can arrange appointment for school tour

School Meals

All students can enjoy vegan snack and lunch at school

(Vegan: Plant-based diet)


What Parents Say

  • Tidak terasa sudah hampir 1 tahun belajar online di rumah. Tapi anak saya bisa melewatinya dengan baik. Karena para guru mengajar dengan sabar, perhatian dan penuh kasih sayang. Para guru juga memikirkan cara dan membuat strategi dalam pengajaran agar anak-anak tidak merasa bosan. Seperti ada game dalam pelajaran sehingga anak-anak merasa bermain sambil belajar. Selain teori, ada juga praktek-nya seperti dalam pelajaran Science dan Moral jadi anak-anak senang dalam belajar dan ada hasil praktek-nya. Terima kasih untuk para guru  atas pengajaran, perhatian dan bimbingannya. Semoga kita sehat selalu dan pandemi ini cepat berlalu sehingga anak-anak bisa belajar di sekolah.

    Parent of Kindergarten 2
  • Carlson is a new student at Maitreyawira School Jakarta this year. At the first, we as his parents much worried whether can he follow the virtual learning or  can he comfort with the new teachers and new friends. We  are very glad during this year. He develops much in lessons and attitude. I would like to appreciate Maitreyawira School Jakarta for the way online classes were conducted during this unexpected situation. It would have never been easy for kids to get adapted to new ways of virtual learning without the efforts of teachers and their support.   Thank you all for guiding, supporting, encouraging and moulding my son throughout the year.  All the best Maitreyawira School Jakarta, keep up the good work!

    Parent of Kindergarten 2
  • I am so grateful that my kids could be part of Maitreyawira School Jakarta. i see the change of behavior in my child, he has become a child who can express who he is and practicing a good social values. Thank you.

    Parent of P1
  • Every Teacher at MSJ has been a positive influence for my daughter. Their experiences with my daughter have driven her to pursue her love for studying in the school. We will never be able to thank you enough for ALL that you have done for our family! From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for giving her the confidence and skills she needs to blossom in the school. Best Regards.

    Parent of P3
  • A big thanks to all the teachers for putting so much effort into these online classes. Kids can also have a learning during Covid-19 Pandemic. Now we realize how hard teaching is and how teachers deserve a lot more respect than we usually give them. Thank you MSJ.

    Parent of Secondary 1