Di depan, seorang pendidik harus memberi teladan yang baik
Di antara murid, seorang pendidik harus menciptakan prakarsa dan ide
Dari belakang, seorang pendidik harus memberikan dorongan dan arahan
Maitreyawira School Jakarta is a place for every human being to learn and love all creatures. We need to understand that our young generation who has this innocent heart must live in life’s harsh demands. They are expected to continuously pursue academic achievement and live in a competitive culture to demonstrate personal excellence. So that most of their lives are passed by feeling unhappy and unhealthy physically and spiritually. Therefore, we offer moral and character-building education, a culture of mutual respect, and mutual success for each other. We want to provide increased academic intelligence and teaching that can meet individuals’ mental and spiritual needs. Thus, it is hoped that children can learn, grow, and build a happy future.
We use three languages such as English, Indonesian and Mandarin